Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Flight of the E1 Gavilán at Doñana Ntl. Park

On November 28 the first flight of the project took place at Doñana National Park. Attended two of the authorized representative of the conservation area of the END, two members of the natural processes monitoring team of the EBD, as well as representatives from the forest service of the Natural and National Park.

The flights were successful despite weather conditions were not very favorable due to wind and some rain. There were two demonstrations with the objective of the END technicians becoming familiar with the equipment on site and verify the environmental impact that might occur. The result was very satisfactory, since it was found that the plane wasn´t almost perceived when flying at just 100 meters (the minimum at which the experiments are performed), so that respect for animal behaviour is guaranteed. The technical monitoring team transmitted his interest to us in the project, as it could serve to complement their work.

The photographs obtained, (although the team was carrying a loaded chamber of lower quality than what is intended use in the future), had sufficient quality to differentiate the groups of geese (Anser anser) that were feeding in the marsh.

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